The Route to GDC Registration for Overseas Qualified Dentists in United Kingdom.

The GDC is the UK-wide statutory regulator of just over 113,000 members of the dental team and the Dentists Act 1984 provides the legislative framework for our work.


GDC Registration Route & Application Assessment Process

Initial Logistics: Obtain the assessment pack from the GDC; you can request a pack directly from the GDC website by clicking on GDC Route to registration weblink and follow the subsequent steps.

Once you have submitted your request in step 1, you will receive your application pack shortly to the email address that you should have provided in Step 1.

This is the most crucial step of the process. In this step, you will be working on all the components of the application pack that you should have received in Step 2.

Recognised overseas qualifications

GDC recognise overseas qualifications obtained from certain universities before certain dates. To see if your qualification is recognised for registration, please check the list below. If your qualification is not listed you will need to pass the overseas registration exam (ORE) before you can register. Consult with our experts teoday.